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Any mmorpg game?? |
Posted by: joker123 - 02-27-2017, 12:25 PM - Forum: Gamers Stronghold
- Replies (11)
I would like a mmorpg game like Tera but not 60 GB one with fewer GB for example 10-15, my internet download is 800kb/s..
Thank you in advance ^_^
Future forum improvement. |
Posted by: joker123 - 02-27-2017, 05:48 AM - Forum: Problems & Suggestions
- Replies (3)
In the future is can you notify all members that a change is goin to take place ? Maybe post a sticky to the top post of all forums. Or send out e-mails or do both. Explain in 24 - 48 hours the forum is going to change. Lock the post also so it won't get spamed or turn into a whine fest.
Joker ~_~
Testimonials needed for the new design |
Posted by: Lancelot - 02-26-2017, 01:28 AM - Forum: Testimonials
- Replies (2)
So, as well we like to add testimonials of our dear customers into the homepage so everybody see how our customers think about us.
Testimonials are required to be 25+ characters long and you must specify website address or a contacting possiblity as Facebook. As well as the first and the last name should be put under the comment.
Time ends in a week, have a nice day.