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How to create a Timer |
Posted by: alimaroco - 04-13-2017, 07:06 PM - Forum: Tutorials
- Replies (1)
Hello everyone, as we know. Is there people who do not know what is a timer and how to create it. In this tutorial i will teach how to:
We create the timer
Quote:public OnGameModeInit()
// Don't use these lines if it's a filterscript
SetGameModeText("Blank Gamemode");
SetTimer("RandomMessage", 5000, 1);
SetTimer is in where create the timer, "RandomMessage" is the name of the callback. (5000 = Five Seconds)
After, we create the forward which will call the callback:
Quote:forward RandomMessage(playerid);
public RandomMessage(playerid)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF,"Register at our forum! forum.sa-mp.com");
return 1;
You can create more timers using more stuff.. THis is just a basic tutorial. I hope it helps you...
Hey ;) |
Posted by: Peki - 04-13-2017, 10:28 AM - Forum: Self Introduction
- Replies (5)
Hello, my name is Pero, i'm from Serbia. I'm 20years old and i'm working in lear.com
I'm good with clients, I'm willing to help i know many languages like eng, german,russian,balkanian ofc..,and a little bit of a franch. That's it.
Staff Application! |
Posted by: HippoCampus- - 04-08-2017, 09:39 PM - Forum: Recruitment process of EHN
- Replies (5)
- Location (place of residence)
- Full date of birth and age:4/7/2001-/ age = 16
- When did you join the community? Like 1 month ago but ik it from 1 year
- Why would you like to join the staff team? (255+ words):Yo, i wanna join Elites-Host Team To Help newbies and to show them rules about elites-host So, also iam active at forum to and Any help i will help them to fix servers and more info,, so no need 255+ also let me know if you need a help. I don't need any money for it just maybe some server i dont know we'll see.. And again im telling im available most of the day.finally, before this application gets too long, I would like to be a staff member in Elite-Host because I want to be a representing figure for your great servers, I want to contribute to the 10/10 staffing quality and overall i want too eventually become a possible mentor.,also have too many experience of becoming staff of an community,I also wanted to be a good and loyal staff of this host too since i joined this Hosting Community.[b]before this application gets too long, I would like to be a staff member in Elite-Host because I want to be a representing figure for your great servers, I want to contribute to the 10/10 staffing quality and overall i want too eventually become a possible mentor. [b]There has been occasions where there has been little staff on and as Member I can see how many people have been asking for help, [b]I do my best to follow the rules and make sure that players have the best experience possible. Another key factor that has persuaded me to apply for staff is the sometimes occurring lack of staff..Thanks[/b][/b][/b]
- E-mail address:mjd.omar.99@gmail.com
Job/professions: N/A
Peki's Staff Application |
Posted by: Peki - 04-01-2017, 09:24 PM - Forum: Recruitment process of EHN
- Replies (8)
- Location (place of residence): Serbia
- Full date of birth and age: 15.08.1996
- When did you join the community? A week ago
- Why would you like to join the staff team? (255+ words): I were thinking if you need game/voice support for your hosting, I'm available 24/7, if i'm not on computer im on a phone, i recieve a ticket notification and getting to computer or laptop. So what i know to do.. At the SA:MP i can do most of stuffs like scripting fixing errors doing gamemodes from 0 developing.. For cs 1.6 making plugins for "some mods" mostly of them are for jailbreak call of duty gun game and etc.. Call of duty just fixing errors, minecraft only with plugins, voice like teamspeak and ventrilo permissions there i'm best. In most cases i work fast. So let me know if you need a help. I don't need any money for it just maybe some server i dont know we'll see.. And again im telling im available most of the day. Thanks.
- E-mail address: pekiiz987@gmail.com
- Job/professions: www.lear.com in Serbia (city Novi Sad) If you asked about my current work well that's it, but if you asked what i know to do i already told, but shortly game(cod cs mc samp mw tf mta and etc..) and voice support(ts3, ventrilo)
- And yes i know that i don't have the following things like posts and etc. but i know how to work with clients. You can put me on test to see how i work with servers..
Server IP |
Posted by: joker123 - 03-28-2017, 02:51 PM - Forum: Problems & Suggestions
- Replies (4)
Can you change my server ip adress? It is:, i would change only :7812 in 7777 if you can...
If you can't thx you anyway.
Server Renewal |
Posted by: HippoCampus- - 03-27-2017, 01:19 PM - Forum: General Support
- Replies (1)
Server IP:
EMAIL ADDRESS: mjd.omar.99@gmail.com
i need to renewal more 1 month for my sv
bec im gonna buy hosted tab so please i hope u will make it more 1 month = 2 months- to have fun with my sv
Thank You