02-21-2020, 12:15 PM
Why would you like to join the staff team? (255+ words):Your website offers several hosting packages that I believe will soon be on the forefront of modern hosting tactics. For example, your Samp server hosting cost is really low on price and soon it will attract many peeps around here to buy hosting plans from elites host so that I firmly believe may easily overtake many other hosting website in the near future, leading me to believe that your website may experience considerable growth over the next few years – growth that I would love to be a part of.Another reason that i would like to join you is I am not a Professional but 100% dedicated towards my project or anything Mature enough to handle newbie as i am a Community owner (died for now but will comeback with a boost ) I can find solution for anything .My hobbies are Scripting on Pawn and learning new stuffs . I can also spend my all day finding stuff on Internet .I am calm and i dont know what else to write in