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Hello |
Posted by: Emirto - 08-18-2017, 06:15 PM - Forum: Self Introduction
- Replies (4)
Hi my name is Firas i am 23 years old ....
I'am playing samp for more than 7 years ... and i would like to learn scripting also I am a mapper and soon i will start my own server with a friend
My skype:Firas.Braiek2
Nice to meet you all
[Suggestion] Adding a server advertisements section to the forum |
Posted by: PotatoM - 08-17-2017, 06:19 PM - Forum: Problems & Suggestions
- Replies (3)
So it would be really useful if ppl can advertise their servers here in the forum
And you can also make like samp forum requires a number of posts and being a member for a specific time and so on ...
Also you can make a premium section for the client server as a support from you to your clients that would be so attractive for server owners to buy your servers .
PotatoM |
Posted by: PotatoM - 08-16-2017, 04:17 PM - Forum: Self Introduction
- Replies (5)
Hello I am PotatoM I am 21 Years old ,I am studying Mechanical Engineering for 3 years and I am a love playing games such "SAMP MTA LOL ... " I am also a Graphic Designer I am a freelancer actually "Designing for money"
yeah that's it I guess
If you want to contact me feel free to do it :
Skype : hemaelqersh
Discord : PotatoM#6377
[Problem]Forum reply issue ? |
Posted by: PotatoM - 08-16-2017, 03:27 PM - Forum: Problems & Suggestions
- Replies (13)
Why I find it hard to track a topic/post in the forum I get lost every time I try to track the post replies and I sometimes the replies counter says "1 or 2" and I can't find any replies
Is it just me or something is wrong with the current forum ?
Ibrahem's App. |
Posted by: PotatoM - 08-15-2017, 09:15 PM - Forum: Recruitment process of EHN
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- Real life name: Ibrahem Osama Elqersh
- Location (place of residence):Egypt ,Cairo
- Full date of birth and age: 1-7-1996
- When did you join the community? a week ago .
- Why would you like to join the staff team? (255+ words): Well ,as I stated before I first knew about this community a week ago from a friend who is planing to open a server using Elites Free Host as a trusted host for his script ,so I decided to come and check around and I saw a decent number of members in the community already and noticed that you are giving a chance to join the Team ,So I think I maybe a good Member on the staff since I was a Manager of a number of SAMP communities and I know how to deal with different types of issues "Website,Forum,FB page,FB group...etc" I also used to deal with staff members and the community members I created forums and FB pages and Groups and Teamspeak/Discord servers and I used to manage them successfully ,I know the difference between managing a SAMP community and being a part of Hosting Company .
Experience and Skills :-A Member of Public Relations for almost 3 years.-A Director of a SAMP Community of 18 months "Literally Managing Everything".-A Member of a number of Student Activities is the collage "SRT-Scope-Bdaia"-Attained good public relations. -Enjoy teamwork. -Quick Learner. -Very hard worker. -Excellent Communication Skills.-Work under stress.-Decent English Skills. -3 years of Designing Graphics "Photoshop 75% - Illustrator 50%"I'll be also pretty active to be able to help as much as I can ,And I hope I'll be a good Member in the Staff .
- E-mail address: hema.elkersh@gmail.com hema.elkersh@yahoo.com
- Job/professions: Studying (3rd year of the collage)"Mechanical Engineering" and freelancing as Graphic Designer
Ibrahem El-Qersh
Messaging: Franz |
Posted by: Sampodika - 08-15-2017, 05:23 PM - Forum: Useful Softwares
- Replies (1)
Chances are that you use at least one messaging service to stay in touch with your friends during the day. With so many options to choose from, there’s no way we could pick the best messaging service, because it all depends on what your friends use. So, why not pick all of them?
Franz is our pick for the best messaging app on Windows. It lets you add accounts from dozens of popular messaging services, including WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Telegram, GroupMe, Hangouts, Discord, and many more.
Franz simply adds a new tab for every service you use, letting you keep up with every group in one window. It’s easier on battery than using browser windows for these apps, and you can close it when it’s time to focus.
Check out more awesome messaging apps if Franz doesn’t support your favorites. If you primarily use older services like AIM and MSN Messenger, Pidgin is the app for you.
Watch this : https://youtu.be/dFrp6Z9FXbw
File Compression and Extraction: PeaZip |
Posted by: Sampodika - 08-15-2017, 04:52 PM - Forum: Useful Softwares
- Replies (2)
Windows includes native support for some zipped files, but anything beyond the basics requires a more powerful tool. While these aren’t super exciting, they’re important for working with any kind of archived files you might encounter.
PeaZip is a great choice for your compression and extraction needs. It’s much more attractive and user-friendly than its competition, and includes useful features like repairing damaged archives and converting their file formats.
Watch this : https://youtu.be/xkbMdeZIiho
Screenshots: ShareX |
Posted by: Sampodika - 08-15-2017, 03:55 PM - Forum: Useful Softwares
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Screenshots are useful for everything from recording funny moments to having a record of information, so you need a better tool for the job. Windows’ basic Snipping Tool for grabbing screenshots, however, only provides a barebones feature set.
You won’t find a better free screenshot tool than ShareX. With tons of capture methods, a powerful built-in editor based on Greenshot, automated steps after you take a screenshot, and extra tools like a color grabber and ruler, ShareX has an impressive feature set for no cost.
We recently compared the best screenshot tools for Windows if you prefer something a bit slimmer. Though we missed ShareX, it deserves the #1 spot as it supersedes Greenshot in features and options. Whichever you choose, read our guide on taking the perfect screenshot to become a master.
Watch this : https://youtu.be/uYx0jeYFJ30