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PLUS500 company - Printable Version

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PLUS500 company - doaausef3li - 05-08-2024

PLUS500 company

Plus 500 is the best brokerage company specializing in CFDs, and is considered one of the largest brokerage companies in the world. It was included in the Financial 250 Index due to its huge achievements in the field of financial intermediation. It is regulated and licensed by CySEC, Australian ASIC, New Zealand FMA, South Africa FSB and Singapore MAS.
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One of the company's most important features is that it keeps traders' funds in bank accounts completely separate from the company's accounts in accordance with the rules and regulations of client funds. It also offers different types of trading accounts to suit beginners and professional clients and to meet regulatory requirements.

The minimum trading value for Plus 500 is one hundred euros. This is a relatively high amount compared to other financial brokerage companies. But it is compatible with the services the company provides to professional traders.