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Make a decision to buy or sell - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Make a decision to buy or sell (/showthread.php?tid=7157)

Make a decision to buy or sell - doaausef3li - 05-07-2024

Make a decision to buy or sell

After determining the market you are trading on, you must determine the current trading price. Determine the direction in which you believe the market will move.

Dealing with Forex pairs is one currency, which is the base currency, in exchange for another currency, which is the pricing, and is done through the following:
كيف ابدأ التداول
     If you believe that the base currency will strengthen against the quote or quote currency, so that it will decline against the base currency, then you can buy a pair of currencies.
     If you believe that the base currency is falling against the quote currency, or that the quote currency is rising against the base currency, you should make a sell decision.
     Each pair of currencies has two prices, the bid or sale price, and the second price is related to the ask or purchase, and the difference between the two marked prices is called the spread or price margin difference, which indicates the cost of trading.