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Akainu - EHN application! - Printable Version

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Akainu - EHN application! - akainu341 - 02-25-2017

  • Real life name: Jay-ar B. Hullano
  • Location (place of residence): Philippines , Cebu City , LLC
  • Full date of birth and age: September 15 , 2000
  • When did you join the community? There is many things that I could help with on the host. First of all I would make sure that I am as active as possible and working through as many people as fast as I can but staying slow enough to be fair. I can also help with my experience and skills in staffing, I have been staff on many different servers varying from game to game and this totals to a very large amount of experience in the staffing field. I believe that with these skills I could better the staff team with my presence. I also believe that with my attitude and knowledge I could keep most situations under control and those that get out of hand i would be able to deal with appropriately. I think that my calm, funny, sensible nature could be a very good addition to your team and I look forward to seeing you all in game (hopefully as staff).
  • Why would you like to join the staff team? (255+ words):I would very much like to become a staff on Elites-host because I want to be able to make a difference. I want to be a part of a welcoming community and also be able to better that community with my skill and expertise in staffing matters. Most servers and communities that I go on i strive to become a staff member as that is what i enjoy the most. I do my best to follow the rules and make sure that players have the best experience possible. Another key factor that has persuaded me to apply for staff is the sometimes occurring lack of staff. There has been occasions where there has been little staff on and as Member I can see how many people have been asking for help. As a staff member I would sure that whenever I was on the server that this would not happen, I would stay on duty as long as possible And get through as many people as possible whilst keeping and upholding the best quality of work possible. Finally, before this application gets too long, I would like to be a staff member in Elite-Host because I want to be a representing figure for your great servers, I want to contribute to the 10/10 staffing quality and overall i want too eventually become a possible mentor.
  • E-mail address: Akainu_Marshall@yahoo.com
  • Job/professions: None

RE: Akainu - EHN application! - Lancelot - 02-25-2017
