02-18-2017, 11:08 PM
- Scripts shared herein should be completely written by the thread author otherwise the main creator of script given authority to the author to share it (Proofs might be required). Please notice that we wouldn't consider that somehow you had an argument with the second developer and released it because the community died, you have to share scripts that are completely clean, not leaked.
- Scripts should not be covered by other forums, means they should NOT be found released on any other forum except Elites Community, other than the SA:MP forums, if the script is released on the SA:MP forums you have to provide evidences that you are the author of the thread otherwise your input wouldn't be considered and thread will be denied with a warning point being issued to your account.
- Sources must be provided; You can just list features and screenshots then ask for money or not - Just don't give the download link. If you don't plan to share the link, don't post. As well as scripts should be 100% free, non-profitable to the thread author otherwise punishments will be taking place over the thread.
- You should never ask for reputations as a profit of uploading useless scripts that can be downloaded somewhere else; If someone wishes to give you a positive reputation they will without you asking (or begging) them because your script is somewhat exclusive.
- Scripts should be posted once and not anymore. If you posted already the same script for a long and would like to resume the project you have to make use of the same thread unless the thread has been removed therefore you can create a new one. Noticing that if the moderation deleted your thread for a reason, reposting is punishable.
- Scripts should not be covered by other forums, means they should NOT be found released on any other forum except Elites Community, other than the SA:MP forums, if the script is released on the SA:MP forums you have to provide evidences that you are the author of the thread otherwise your input wouldn't be considered and thread will be denied with a warning point being issued to your account.
- Sources must be provided; You can just list features and screenshots then ask for money or not - Just don't give the download link. If you don't plan to share the link, don't post. As well as scripts should be 100% free, non-profitable to the thread author otherwise punishments will be taking place over the thread.
- You should never ask for reputations as a profit of uploading useless scripts that can be downloaded somewhere else; If someone wishes to give you a positive reputation they will without you asking (or begging) them because your script is somewhat exclusive.
- Scripts should be posted once and not anymore. If you posted already the same script for a long and would like to resume the project you have to make use of the same thread unless the thread has been removed therefore you can create a new one. Noticing that if the moderation deleted your thread for a reason, reposting is punishable.