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  • Real life name: Ibrahem Osama Elqersh
  • Location (place of residence):Egypt ,Cairo
  • Full date of birth and age: 1-7-1996
  • When did you join the community? a week ago .
  • Why would you like to join the staff team? (255+ words): Well ,as I stated before I first knew about this community a week ago from a friend who is planing to open a server using Elites Free Host as a trusted host for his script ,so I decided to come and check around and I saw a decent number of members in the community already and noticed that you are giving a chance to join the Team ,So I think I maybe a good Member on the staff since I was a Manager of a number of SAMP communities and I know how to deal with different types of issues "Website,Forum,FB page,FB group...etc" I also used to deal with staff members and the community members I created forums and FB pages and Groups and Teamspeak/Discord servers and I used to manage them successfully ,I know the difference between managing a SAMP community and being a part of Hosting Company .
    Experience and Skills  :-A Member of Public Relations for almost 3 years.-A Director of a SAMP Community of 18 months "Literally Managing Everything".-A Member of a number of Student Activities is the collage "SRT-Scope-Bdaia"-Attained good public relations. -Enjoy teamwork. -Quick Learner. -Very hard worker. -Excellent Communication Skills.-Work under stress.-Decent English Skills. -3 years of Designing Graphics "Photoshop 75% - Illustrator 50%"I'll be also pretty active to be able to help as much as I can ,And I hope I'll be a good Member in the Staff .
  • E-mail address: hema.elkersh@gmail.com  hema.elkersh@yahoo.com
  • Job/professions: Studying (3rd year of the collage)"Mechanical Engineering" and freelancing as Graphic Designer 
Ibrahem El-Qersh