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Full Version: Alterego's Application
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Real life name: Earl Tacogdy
Location (place of residence): CDO, PH
Full date of birth and age: 04-22-1996: 21
When did you join the community? December 16 2016 but I joined earlier than that date. At the old Elites-Host I forgot the old name. I had a free server in here until the community suddenly stopped and made the reset.
Why would you like to join the staff team? (255+ words):
Just simply to help and learn, to be honest I'm still a college student and I want to learn so many things and managing a forum is one. I want to also help EHN back like it was before. There were so many people before that the community was lively.
E-mail address: laternoobs@gmail.com
Job/professions: Student at USTP-CDO branch / Also a programming 

also my post count was already over 100 before just before the so many reset so I hope it still count.
I'd like to become one of the moderators here in Elites Host Community because I've always wanted to help people but not able to do that because some guy aren't trusting some members here in Elites Host, I understand that and I wish to get a chance inorder to achieve a position here in the Elites Host Community, I've been loyal and never disappointed any of the staff members nor did I break any rules. I also have a great experience in assisting the community and solve the issues that are around the forum. I have noticed that we lack some staff, and as I've some good activity on the forums I've thought to be one staff member. I can also stay on admin duty (like in assisting) for a real long time so if they wish to get help they can always contact me through private messages. I'm also an owner of Mobster Mafia Roleplay (thanks to you Elites Host!).
Thanks for your applications. Wait until a forum moderator will read your topic.
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