ElitesHost Forums

Full Version: Server Samp
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Full name:-Marin Marinus
E-mail address:marin_marinus21@yahoo.com
Gamemode type:-RP
Server version:-0.3.7

Why would you like to acquire a free server from EHN?
Samp and love you very much and I want to have my own server that I wanted all my life, but lack of money I hope to be accepted
Any further comments/information? Thank you so much for free server.
Wrong section. Go here: https://forum.elites-host.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=33
Before request a server you must do the requirement: 
* Ordering servers requires being at the age of 14 or higher.
* Information should be all valid and correct (without misspellings).
* Server should not be used for illegal purposes.
* Shouldn't have a server already.
* Should be in the clients group on forums (35+ posts).
* Management have the rights to modify these rules at any time.
* Must login weekly to forum and have at least 10 posts monthly.

We will suspend your services Incase it breaks our ToS.
Wrong section as said above.