ElitesHost Forums

Full Version: General Support: Read before posting.
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- This section is for requesting general help which doesn't cover script issues or lagging spikes problems, you can request for major problems assistance and massive corruptions e.g. Agent Offline for example.

- Make sure that the title isn't childish but serious and reasonable. So not something like "I NEED HELP1111!!!!1!" but something simple explains itself in short sentences.

- We don't require the use of special formats or strict requirements, you can generally request for a solution to any kinds of problems that aren't covered by the other support sections.

- Use English language only and appropriate words also provide screenshots if possible, the more the information the faster the help.

- Don't request help privately but post in public so others and others learn from your trial of our services so everyone gain high experience from your problems and how to solve, be positive.

- Your problems should be covered by our services only; Elites community isn't responsible for the other Hosting communities but it's services only.